Author: Madeleine
March activities
Bunny Bunny
Emmasita and her Bunny Bunny – creatively named by her big brother before she was born. She may want to change its name when she gets older, but personally it has grown on me.
Emma is four months
Well, since this is two months later and she will in fact be six months tomorrow, and as my mind is a sieve, I actually have no comments to make on her four month old self. My memories have been lost to the black hole of my brain or the pictures we took. But doesn’t…
Jack is three
He is the most affectionate little boy, constantly saying “I love you, ____” to his favourite people. Loves to give kisses and have “lots of lots of cuddles”. He doesn’t miss a trick, and is always surprising us with his vocabulary and the funny things he says. Like, “That’s weird”, “Oh Mummy, you’re a child”,…
best friends
They are just the sweetest together. Emma is obsessed with Jack, and thinks he’s the most hysterical person in the world. And Jack is very protective of Emma and does his best to help her. He wipes the “pit” off her mouth when he’s in the car with her, he’ll say, “Look at that smiling!”,…
Emma is three months
She loves people, sitting up and watching the world, and talking. She loves playing with her toys, and grabbing anything she can – including, but not limited to, hair, beards, etc. She has also recently discovered that she can grab her feet and shriek at an alarming pitch.